Today, operating primarily as City Imaging Graphic Services we have branched out. City Imaging Graphic Services is a completely diversified resource centre.
Our comprehensive range of services include full service printing capabilities, creative conception, photography, website design and the management of corporate graphics portfolios.
Our services accommodate individual requests as well as corporate accounts, providing dependable service to local national areas, nationally, the United States, and internationally as well. Our business success is credited to listening to our clients and customizing our services to meet their individual needs.
We strive to reward our clients’ trust in our services by always delivering a quality product with consistent reliability. The advancement of computers and wireless technology has brought forth ingenious advancements in the graphics field. This has facilitated the gradual expansion of our range in services throughout the years allowing our organization to remain current and progressive.
© 2008 City Imaging Graphic Services. All Rights Reserved.
© 1979 Ink City Printing. All Rights Reserved.
Images copyrighted ©Getty Images